Musical Director – Jenny Sumerling
Organ/Piano – Morley Whitehead

Join critically acclaimed choir, Cadenza, for their return to performance for the first time since 2019.
With both a cappella and accompanied items spanning many centuries and musical genres, Cadenza’s Christmas concert has something for everyone.
We are taking steps to ensure this event is as safe as it can be for all attending, and so there will be some changes to our ‘usual’ Christmas concert format:
- The concert duration will be approximately 60 mins, with no interval
- Your ticket price includes a simplified programme, which we will ask you to pick up on arrival
- Unfortunately, there will be no opportunity for audience participation with well-known carols
- We are unable to offer refreshments this year
- We are limiting capacity to ensure opportunities for social distancing between groups. On arrival, an usher will direct you to the best available seat(s).
- In line with current Scottish Government advice, you are required to wear a face covering at all times while inside the venue (unless exempt)
What better way to start your Festive season than to join us for an evening of inspirational music!
Copies of our critically acclaimed Christmas CD, Bright Star – Cadenza at Christmas, several tracks of which have been given play time on both BBC Radio 3 and Classic FM, will also be on sale after the concert. Though you don’t have to wait till then – buy it online now and be well ahead of the crowd with your Christmas shopping!
Tickets are £12, £10 (concessions) and £3 (schoolchildren) and are available on Eventbrite (additional fees apply), via choir members, or phone our Concert Manager (07903 104 557). We are investigating the feasibility of on-the-door ticket sales, but with limited numbers and high interest already early booking is recommended to avoid disappointment!
Please note: ongoing uncertainty with Coronavirus might mean there are last-minute changes to any event listed here. We recommend you join our mailing list to make sure you are informed of unavoidable changes to this schedule.