Cadenza welcomes enquiries from enthusiastic singers of all voices who can –
- tackle and enjoy music in a range of different styles
- read music
- memorise short pieces
- do individual work on repertoire between rehearsals, and
- commit to regular attendance
Reasonable sight-singing skills would also be useful.

How do I join?
Joining Cadenza is subject to a short private audition with the Conductor, and to a vacancy in your particular section. If you are successful, you will serve a short probationary period before becoming a full member. If you are unsuccessful, it is not necessarily because you did not sing well, and it may simply be that your voice does not blend well with the existing choir. Please do not be offended or downhearted. For further information, or to arrange an audition, please contact our Membership Secretary, Chris Ayton on 0131 662 8721 or via our contact page.
When do rehearsals take place?

We rehearse on Wednesday evenings, starting promptly at 7.30 and working till around 9.45, with a brief interval. We currently meet at Broughton St Mary’s Parish Church, Bellevue Crescent, Edinburgh, EH3 6NE. We organise our year into three terms, broadly following the school calendar, but with extra rehearsals in the run-up to the August Fringe concert. All our concerts are preceded by a final, compulsory rehearsal on the day, which may be in the morning, afternoon or early evening.
How much does it cost?
The current termly subscription rate is £68. A £47 concession rate is also available. Selection of the concession rate is left at the discretion of members, based on your own personal circumstances. Your subscription covers the cost of your concert folder and all the music you will need, which Cadenza supplies, as well as rehearsal venue hire and professional fees for our MD.
What should I wear?
Basic choir uniform is black, with coloured scarves and ties provided by Cadenza, depending on the particular concert. Men will need a black shirt and trousers for most concerts, but dinner suits and white shirts (no wing collars) for Fringe concerts. Women wear black trousers and a plain long-sleeved black top for all concerts.
Are there any social activities?
There are various events throughout the year (walks, BBQs, quizzes, ceilidhs etc), as well as post-concert gatherings in local hostelries. We hope to get back to our usual informal gathering after each Wednesday’s rehearsal when circumstances allow.