Fringe Concert Tickets Extremely Limited

Our Fringe concert this year is proving extremely popular, with the Fringe Box Office selling out this morning (Friday 23 August 2024). We are working to get a final tranche of tickets allocated to the Box Office for additional sales (so do try, and snap them up if you can!), but it’s looking tight… Sales … Read more

Lutenists past and present

The Dresden court employed theorbo players as early as 1590, and Antonio Lotti would have certainly have been aware of the player, Leopold Weiss, while in Dresden from 1717-1719. Weiss was described by his pupil Princess Sophie Wilhelmine, sister of Crown Prince Frederick, as the “famous Weiss, who excels so greatly on the lute, that … Read more

Recollections of the Foundling Hospital

Our Fringe concert this year contains a performance of Handel’s Foundling Hospital Anthem, including it’s famous final chorus Hallelujah. In this article Cadenza’s Secretary, Morna Fleming, provides a bit more background to the hospital based on a visit some years ago, as well as historical detail on the building itself and Handel’s involvement in it’s … Read more

Covid-Secure Christmas Cracker

Polwarth Parish Church

For the first time since 2019, Cadenza are delighted to be back in concert. While the pandemic has prevented any performance from us, it hasn’t stopped us meeting and rehearsing (virtually at first, now in-person) and we have been chomping at the bit to show you the results of our efforts. And so, with pleasure, … Read more

Cadenza at the Fringe 2019

Cadenza is delighted to be performing in the Edinburgh Festival Fringe again this year – we’ve been a consistent feature at the world’s largest arts festival for over two decades. Following five sell-out concerts, Cadenza is delighted to be returning to the stunning surroundings of Greyfriars Kirk for another exciting programme of choral music, performing Puccini’s magnificent Messa di Gloria alongside Haydn’s Te Deum and Insanae et Vanae Curae and a Scottish première performance of Janet Wheeler’s Alleluia. Tickets – priced £15, £13 (concessions) and £4 (children) are available now from choir members or via the Fringe Box Office.

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Another £2000+ raised for charity

Cadenza performs concerts on behalf of charities as part of our choir year. These typically take place in Spring, and allow us to show off a lighter side of our repertoire while raising funds for deserving causes. 2019 was no exception, and across two concerts – one in Edinburgh, the other in Athelstaneford in East Lothian – we raised over £2000 split across four separate charities. If you’d like Cadenza to make a real impact to your fundraising, please get in touch!

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